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∎ Libro Gratis The Wanderers Carlos Sisi 9781618680143 Books

The Wanderers Carlos Sisi 9781618680143 Books

Download As PDF : The Wanderers Carlos Sisi 9781618680143 Books

Download PDF The Wanderers Carlos Sisi 9781618680143 Books

One of the bestselling apocalyptic thrillers in Spain available for the first time in English!

The city of Malaga is dead, but the promised eternal rest has yet to come to its inhabitants.

In the Carranque camp, thirty survivors have built a shelter to keep out the dangers of the world. They fight not only to recover the city, but also the physical and mental degradation of surviving day to day after the pandemic.

One of the survivors, Isabel, casts handwritten notes from the penthouse into the dead-filled streets below. But a mad priest, Father Isidro, is the only living soul to find these cries for help. And now he knows precisely where to find the camp and carry out his morbid judgment.

"Ferocious realism, believable characters and rhythmic and evocative description ... will satisfy zombie fans and newcomers alike."--Tertulia Andaluza

"A wrenching read with great plot twists..."--Espiral de Letras

"I recommend [The Wanderers] ... It does not disappoint."--Papel en blanco

The Wanderers Carlos Sisi 9781618680143 Books

I've been reading through quite a few zombie books lately, and this novel is really one of the high points.
If you start actively looking for zombie movies, after awhile you start to see trends and certain themes that just get reused over and over. I was feeling the same way about zombie novels until I found this book.
(As a side note, this book was being discussed on an internet forum that focuses on video games and generally 'geeky' stuff - the discussions were very positive and all the posters really enjoyed the story).
I read the English translation - I enjoyed some of the idiosyncrasies of the translation as well as the different names and locations, it all made for a very 'fresh' approach to the typical zombie-apocalypse tale. There is lots to like about this book - the characters are all wildly different, they don't fit any of the standard stereotypes, and it all feels very 'real'. Things don't go as planned, bad things seem to happen at just the wrong time...a board breaks when you're not expecting it...and yes, characters to die.
Combine that with the unique zombie elements the story introduces, and a REALLY great antagonist twist, and this really was a fresh and interesting new story.
This truly is an engrossing, 'page-turner' - I believe the novel is only 270 pages - you'll probably be surprised at how quickly you read through it. However, the ending is satisfying and not an obvious setup for a follow-up book. Great job Carlos - I hope you write more (and get them translated to English!)

Product details

  • Paperback 268 pages
  • Publisher Permuted Press (November 29, 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1618680145

Read The Wanderers Carlos Sisi 9781618680143 Books

Tags : The Wanderers [Carlos Sisi] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. One of the bestselling apocalyptic thrillers in Spain available for the first time in English! The city of Malaga is dead,Carlos Sisi,The Wanderers,Permuted Press,1618680145,FICTION Horror
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The Wanderers Carlos Sisi 9781618680143 Books Reviews

I wasn't sure about reading this book but it turned out to be quite a surprise. Of course, there were a few translation mix-ups but this was a good book and I'm looking forward to reading the next one as soon as it's translated.
Wow. What a great book. I expected the errors in verbiage and missing prepositions and went on to really enjoy this story of pockets
of survivors coming together to fight off the hordes. First one I've read by a foreign author; nice to see the zombies don't discriminate.
Another awesome suggestion from Book Bub. Thanks.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I read tons of Zombie and Post-Apocalyptic fiction, and was way more than pleasantly surprised. Originally written in Spanish, the translation is very very good. I read it in one day, glued to my tablet. Believable, with an awesome villain, and just a great overall concept. TOTALLY worth the money. The ONLY bad thing I can say about it is that there is a sequel, and apparently no plans to translate it and offer it through Permuted Press (Love those guys!) because sales were poor. There is NO REASON this book shouldn't be in the top 20 of Zombie Fiction. Maybe even in the top 10. BRING THE SEQUEL TO ENGLISH SPEAKING AUDIENCES! PLEASE! Buy it, you'll dig it, or you can feel free to chew me out.
This book was really exciting and hard to put down once I got going on it. At first I thought I wouldn't finish it because the first couple of chapters were kinda slow, but I made myself keep going and I'm really glad I did. It really caught me and kept me hooked until the very end. The end was very satisfying and the characters in the story were believable.
This was a wonderfully crafted story with a beautiful insight into human nature. This was a delightful departure from the high octane, apocalyptic, action stories I usually read in this genre.
There was no strategically placed special forces personal to swoop in to save humanity but everyday people from all walks of life coming together to make life bearable. I would hope there would be more scenarios like this than the inevitable dog eat dog, every man for themselves stories we usually read.

The villain in this story was new and refreshing. As usual the scariest monsters out there are other humans!
An enjoyable twist on the tired Zombie genre, The Wanderers, shows how the zombie genre still has some undead life left within it. When a twisted and ruthless priest sides with the mindless zombies, the scattered traces of humanity have more to fear than the shuffling undead. I found this book to be an intense reader, graphic in description, and brutal towards its characters. Many of the characters are given a quick back story, faced with a zombie, and then brutally torn to shreds. There are a few moments where the imagery presented by the author was difficult to follow, but I attribute this to the translation. The book fails on trying to explain the infection, I'm still not entirely certain whether the zombie infection is biological or supernatural in nature, and I think the author should have avoided trying to ground the infected in the real world. There are two more books in this trilogy waiting to be translated, I have a lot to look forward to!
This was a very interesting zombie (wanderer) book, since it was based entirely in Spain! I enjoyed how all the main characters finally got tied together and enjoyed a few days of peace in a compound in a soccer/sport arena.
But, of course, all too soon comes the evil character, a priest of all people! He's there to destroy everything they've worked so hard to attain and to allow (in this book), all the wanderers into the highly guarded compound. Who will prevail in the end is the question and of course, the setting is left for a second book. I will buy the second book if one is written and highly recommend this slightly different book!
I've been reading through quite a few zombie books lately, and this novel is really one of the high points.
If you start actively looking for zombie movies, after awhile you start to see trends and certain themes that just get reused over and over. I was feeling the same way about zombie novels until I found this book.
(As a side note, this book was being discussed on an internet forum that focuses on video games and generally 'geeky' stuff - the discussions were very positive and all the posters really enjoyed the story).
I read the English translation - I enjoyed some of the idiosyncrasies of the translation as well as the different names and locations, it all made for a very 'fresh' approach to the typical zombie-apocalypse tale. There is lots to like about this book - the characters are all wildly different, they don't fit any of the standard stereotypes, and it all feels very 'real'. Things don't go as planned, bad things seem to happen at just the wrong time...a board breaks when you're not expecting it...and yes, characters to die.
Combine that with the unique zombie elements the story introduces, and a REALLY great antagonist twist, and this really was a fresh and interesting new story.
This truly is an engrossing, 'page-turner' - I believe the novel is only 270 pages - you'll probably be surprised at how quickly you read through it. However, the ending is satisfying and not an obvious setup for a follow-up book. Great job Carlos - I hope you write more (and get them translated to English!)
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